Category Archives: Think Tank

4 New Ways to Look at Succession Planning

Last summer, Showtime debuted a new series with a pretty impressive cast. The show was appropriately named “Succession”, a show about a family in the media business with an aging patriarch who started the company. He is deciding if the person he originally tapped to be head of the company, his eldest son, can handle…
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Generation Z: Millennials 2.0?

Believe it or not, the average Millennial is closing in on becoming 40-years-old. Once the generation in the wings waiting to change the world, they are now finding themselves in the driver’s seat, with an upcoming younger generation eagerly arriving in the workforce. They are Generation Z. Designated as anyone born after 1995, Generation Z,…
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Friendships at Work: Lean In or Lean Out?

By Michele Porterfield Friendships at work can be tricky business. Yet, we know that meaningful social connections and relationships come just after the basic needs of food and shelter in the hierarchy of needs. Given how much time we spend at the office, it is natural to find ourselves connecting to colleagues in ways that…
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Leading Peers Without Formal Authority

by Aaron Weiss One part ally, one part friend, one part rival, and another part sibling. Leading peers without formal authority is a crucible experience. If you can lead your peers, you can lead just about anyone. Have you ever tried to plan a group dinner? Then, you know just how difficult leading without formal…
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